Behind The Scenes Ministry was founded to assist individuals and groups who have a passion for solving various physical, emotional, financial, relational, or spiritual needs in the community and believe they might be more effective working through a non-profit organization but are unfamiliar with the process to secure that 501(c)(3), tax-exempt status.

In the past 10+ years, BTS has worked behind the scenes with more than 300 community-based organizations, faith-based ministries, and new churches to obtain their tax-exempt status—with a 100% success rate. Additionally, BTS has worked with hundreds of nonprofit groups in the areas of (1) How to “launch a successful nonprofit”, (2) How to “build/maintain a Sustainable Organization”, (3) How to effectively raise funds through donor development, fees for service, foundation grants, and community events, and (4) How to creatively solve compliance and other organizational issues. 

Behind The Scenes is committed to its mission, “to provide the expertise, resources, and support to enable nonprofits and faith-based ministries to maximize their mission impact”, and our ultimate goal is to become a trusted partner with your organization, to fully support your efforts and mission, and to rejoice with you, as your organization succeeds in positively impacting your community.

A nonprofit sector veteran of 30+ years, Mark Peterson has founded a number of his own nonprofits and has assisted many individuals and groups in forming their own nonprofit tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations, faith-based ministries, and churches. He has served on numerous governing boards and worked in staff positions as Executive Director, Program Developer/Manager, and Grant Writer. At heart, Mark is a teacher and has consulted with hundreds of organizations in the areas of Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Board Development, Compliance Issues, Sustainability Factors, and taught classes in Vision/Mission Development, Grant Readiness/Grant Writing, and Board Member Duties/Responsibilities.

Through Mark Peterson’s leadership, Behind The Scenes continues to help about 60 new groups obtain their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status each year. Additionally, in order to diversify its goal of “achieving your dreams through a non-profit organization,” BTS has initiated an effort to assist “for profit” business owners in forming and operating a “Business Related Non-Profit Organization” (BRNPO). Historically, many business owners have felt a desire or even an obligation to “giving back” to their communities—moving from operating a successful business to making a significant impact in their own communities. One option is to form a “Business Related Nonprofit Organization” with a tax-exempt purpose, which not only reflects the owner’s passion but also addresses a pressing community need while maintaining a degree of organizational control and also providing specific benefits for their Business. These benefits include:

  1. The BRNPO activities can expand and enhance awareness, image, and brand loyalty for the Business—positive public relations.
  2. Revenue related to the BRNPO’s tax-exempt purpose is not taxed.
  3. The BRNPO could be eligible for a Google for Nonprofits Ad Word grant, which can be used to promote the NPO and, indirectly, the Business.
  4. The Business can promote the BRNPO’s vision, mission, and activities, and the BRNPO can promote the Business’s support (funding, products, services).
  5. New Business customers may be attracted because of their alignment with the BRNPO vision/mission, and current Business customers may be interested in supporting the BRNPO.
  6. The BRNPO provides access to other grant funding—an additional income source for the NPO and, potentially, the Business.
  7. The BRNPO may also be utilized to support business employer practices—recruitment, onboarding/training, professional/personal development, employee retention, internships, rewards, etc.
  8. The BRNPO may also be used to promote business growth—(1) Through product/services donations, (2) By driving education/marketing efforts that promote the Business in the community, (3) By implementing “give back” strategies through positive public relations messaging, (4) By forming/supporting nonprofit partnerships in the community, and (5) By developing nonprofit B2B customers.
  9. The BRNPO provides opportunities for fundraising–individual/community donor support, grant funding eligibility, and fundraising events—to subsidize the activities of the NPO. All donations are deductible—even those from the business owner.
  10. The BRNPO also provides some “income shifting” opportunities/strategies, a personal estate planning tool, and an opportunity to build a real Legacy in the community.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. 

Mark Peterson (559) 917-1785

Behind The Scenes Ministries 

1300 E. Shaw Ave, Suite 119

Fresno, CA 93710

[email protected]

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